Monday, May 12, 2008

Adrian Tomorrow!

Today's Highlight: getting my film scanned! I love the results (not everything is fantastic of course, but I think I can get the hang of it)
I really love the collage effect that I have been getting, and I plan to make more of them. Not just here, but as a series of different places, people etc.
This is one of my favorites, but if you check flikr in a little bit I will put up a few more (not many, I need to get to sleep soon) and I will be putting up more in the next couple of days. I wish I had access to a scanner independent of Judith's gear. I really appreciate her letting me use hers, but it is at her house, and i don't like to intrude, so I won't be scanning film too often.
I spent my morning and afternoon at Judith's scanning and talking photography. She is explaining the ins and outs of film to me and the mantra that she always give me to "just stop thinking about it!". Digital has made me like to feel in control of my images, and I have learned not to trust my eye. But the combinations of shots I have gotten from these films gives me confidence in my eye, and my ability to harmonize my ideas WITHOUT thinking about it. Today we talked about flash, scanners and scratches and dust (the ONLY thing that Judith admits the digital has over film is that you don't have to remove dust specs). Judith and I get along well, and I find her very helpful, and I find her lifestyle very promising. if she can make it, live comfortably etc (all the dreams of a regular person) then so can I! The cost of shooting film (especially here with the exchange rate) is much more than digital, but if I weren't doing it I don't think that I would be learning very much. It's a challenge, a much needed challenge.
After I left Judith I cycled around the Vondelpark (I need my daily dose of green) and then met with Zanna and Hidde (his name is pronounced Hid-a... but much more European) and we went for a mid afternoon snack to the frites (fries) stand I was talking about in my earlier blog. I wish I had a matter transporter, because if I did I would send every one of you a packet of fries with your choice of sauce. It doesn't get more satisfying than that.
Zanna and Hidde are great, I am really glad I met them. I think it is important to make friends native to the place you are visiting. As totally Awesome as you are Alex, you're still a Nova Scotian, and in Holland I want branch out from the Atlantic Canada tree a bit.
It is a Holiday here (again!) so only a few of the grocery stores were open, but I needed to buy some food. So I spent about a half hour waiting in line to pay for what I could scavenge from what was left on the shelves, but I think I can make a good breakfast from it. Sorry, I don't mean to yammer on about food like an senile old lady, but I don't understand how we Canadians are descended from Europeans, but we only REALLY have 2 kinds of cheese to chose from. I won't say anymore about it, but it is something that I think has been terribly overlooked.
Anyway, there isn't much more to tell about my day. I had dinner with Hidde and Zanna (Zanna is a fantastic cook by the way) and then biked home. I missed out on watching Indian Jones, but I wanted to be home before dark ;)
Love to all, always

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