Thursday, May 15, 2008


Hi everyone
sorry I haven't written in the past couple days. I have been bust with a few things, including Adran getting here and showing him around. The first day we went for a walk (after he had fallen asleep for two hours, and I tried to wake him up :) all around China Town and the Red light district. We didn't mean to go that far, it just kind of happened. Anyway, the res light district at night is a lot stranger than the red light district at 3 in the afternoon. Adrian and I were walking along holding hands, but still all the girls were were calling him in. It was funny, but kind of weird.
Yesterday I went to see judith, and went on a shoot with her to a town about half an hour out side of amsterdam. Actually I will get to go out of the city with her a few times. it's a great way to see the country side. I went on a shoot for a magazine, which I guess was doing a special article on this company that does skill building for other companies (kind of like NSSSA, for those of you who were in it).
After that we did some discussion about my personal project. I went back home afterward, because i guess Adrian had been locking in the house all day, because Bertie was out. Poor guy. I let him out and we went for another long walk around the city, and out to dinner at an Indonesian restaurant. it was fantastic, and pretty cheap!
I guess this is kind of why I didn't write the blog for the last couple of days; there isn't much to tell.
today we had a very relaxed morning. We had french toast, then went to get fries with Alex and Laura and Zanna. We spent most of the afternoon with Alex and Laura, discussing the pros and cons of studying in Europe ( we are thinking about it seriously) and then we went out for dinner at a tepas restaurant.
I am going on another job with Judith tomorrow, where I will be the model. so it will be a very good way to get perspective on how to direct models when i am photographing. Then I will scan some more negatives. So expect some more photos tomorrow.
Right now, I am going to bed. Adrian is already there.
Good night!
Love to all
Emma and Adrian

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