Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Day 7

Today's highlight: Parakeets in the Vondelpark!
I don't think there has been a single day since I discovered the Vondelpark that I haven't cycled around it at least once. There are all kinds of birds (parakeets! Magpies, ducks and Blue Herons) and enormous trees that grow half in and half out of the water. Their limbs are as thick as telephone poles, and since they are almost lying in the water they are great to climb. I spent about 45 min sitting in one today, taking pictures with my Holga. I felt mildly creepy, but I also felt a lot like a pixie, or and elf. Something from the Lord of the Rings.
I spent the morning with Judith, looking at all of the shooting I have been doing since I got here. I think that I will learn a lot from Judith, because she challenges me. I get kind of awkward and don't really know what to say, but I think that is a part of the learning process. I have been trying to restrict myself to shooting Holga, because I find it a lot more challenging. It is hard not to be in control AS I am shooting, and it is a lesson in patience to wait a day (or at least a few hours) to see how I caught (or didn't catch) the moment. I can hear all of you older types groaning, because OF COURSE that's how photography has always worked, and I have been brain washed by the digital age. And you know, before I would have contested that, but it's true. I have been lulled into a comfort I didn't even realize I felt until I thought to take it away.
I got lost a few more times today, but I honestly think it helps. Now I know where the zoo and the botanical gardens are, and I think I have seen more of the city than any other tourist in the amount of time I've been here.
The only downside (there had to be one :) Is that I can barely sit on my bike seat anymore, my body isn't used to so much gluteus exercise. But I think it makes me look cool and forward thinking to stand while I bike. No one else does, seeing as there aren't really any hills here.
I forgot to mention the best street stand food in Amsterdam. Hand cut fries (like Bud The Spud) in a conical paper bag with your choice of 15 toppings (not including all the onions and things). That may not sound all that impressive, but there are delicious sauces, and the grease soaks into the paper cone. AND you get a great little fry fork.
I was in heaven, and I smelled terrible because you KNOW I picked the garlic sauce.
I am going on 2 jobs with Judith on Friday, to shot portraits. I know that I have mentioned how most people here speak English, so I never thought about going with Judith, and that of course, she will speak Dutch to her clients. So this puts me in a very interesting position. I will get to learn by watching and reading body language, instead of listening to directions given to the model. I'm quite excited by this prospect, it will be a completely new experience, and way of learning.
I know this is a shortish entry, but today I spent most of me evening at home with Bertie. We made diner together, and then I did the dishes and took out the trash. It was very nice, but not the most exciting thing to go into great detail about.
I am missing you all
with love


Dan Mattison said...

Emma you seem to be having the time of your life. If there's one regret about coming to New York it's that the society and workings is very similar to Canada. It sounds like Amsterdam is very different and thats what sounds so appealing about it. Great luck with the holga. I'd be shooting it if I could afford to be buying film and stuff but New York is sooo expensive sometimes.

much love from NYC
P.S goin to lids soon to buy another hat. Anything you want from NYC?

Syd said...


Wow, I want to go to this Vondelpark! It sounds great.

Miss you!