Monday, May 26, 2008

Not Much To Report

It's been a rainy last couple of days, so we've spent a lot of time in the house. Yesterday we tried to make a break for it, and get out to a museum between down pours... but then my bike tire exploded so we kind of just puttered around a neat little neighbourhood we hadn't seen before, and searched for cheesecake. It was a great afternoon for a walk after the rain pushed off a bit, and we saw lots of little twisty alleys and beautiful gardens spilling out of people's windows.
Other than making dinner, that was about all for our day yesterday. OH! except that we went to a Roots Party on a Bar Boat. It was fantastic. A live funk and reggae band. The woman who fronted the band had to be in her mid to late 40's, and she was in amazing shape. You should have seen her dance!
That was a nice little highlight for sure, but it was too short (only an hour)!
Today it poured most of the day. We made it out to grocery shop, but that was about all. We watched a whole bunch of National Geographic channel and hung out with Bertie. Tonight we went went for a long walk around in that same neighbourhood as yesterday, and I took some pictures and we got a snack and walked home. We just got in, and it started to rain like the dickens again. It's supposed to rain tomorrow too, and Wed... So much for the perfect weather I bragged about.
Ben is coming to visit on Wed. It'll be nice to have him here to finish up our last few days in Amsterdam with us.
That's about it from this side of the Atlantic.
What exciting is happening on your side?
Love to all
Emma and Adrian

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