Friday, May 2, 2008

Day 2

Hi everyone,
I've just changed into my pj's, so this will seem less formal, I suggest you all do likewise.
Today's highlight: watching a golden lab swim through a fountain.
I almost think that it is cosmically unfair that any one place should be as beautiful as Amsterdam. There are so many things to tell you about. I'll start with the transit and road systems. Each for of transit has it's own traffic signals. There are bike signals, tram signals, car signals and people signals. This is fairly important, because it's impossible to follow the traffic that comes from all directions, and sometimes on the sidewalk. It's amazing though, how a place that seems so chaotic is really more organized than any other city I have been in. Everyone knows when it's their turn... or just takes their turn while no one else is taking advantage.
Everything about this city is laid back, even the crazy traffic. Everyone just sort of moves around each other, completely unconcerned about colliding (although I'm sure it has to happen sometimes). It's a great feeling to be a part of. I never really understood the "Canadians are so polite" stereotype, but I get it now. Dutch people (not to generalize of course, but this has been my experience so far) really do, as cliche as it may sound, go with the flow. They take life as it comes, and if someone runs into them, or steps on their foot, they just seem to ASSUME that it was a mistake. I, being the polite Nova Scotian girl that I am. have apologized to about 10 different people today, and all of them seemed quite surprised, and just told me not to worry about it. I find this attitude really refreshing; it reminds me how much time I spend worrying about offending or just generally bothering people, and how unnecessary it is. Or I should say Should Be. If people assumed the best of those around them, or didn't get personally attached to everything that happens, it would be much harder for people to get offended.
I started shooting in the city centre today, but just in passing as I explored. I am going to start in earnest tomorrow. I can't stop taking photos of the bikes, especially the Dutch bikes. They all have such personality, and are much more stationary than people.
I've posted a few bike pictures.... but there are so many more. I will put them on flikr soon. It's hard to keep up with editing and putting things online, because all I want to do is get outside. Tomorrow I think I will go and find an internet cafe and hangout with my photos for a bit.
I think I have finally solidified my self directed project for this month, with help from Judith. I am going to do a series of postcards, recording my experience of Amsterdam as a person from Dutch roots. It should turn out pretty interesting, I'm not actually sure what I will learn from this, but I have a feeling that it will be something very important.
Just a few other things about the bikes (I know...) I saw a couple today holding hands as they rode side by side. It was the other highlight of my day. Sorry to end on such a sappy note.
I hope Nova Scotia, Florida, BC, Ontario, Maine, New York or wherever you may be is treating you well.
I'll blog you tomorrow
With love


Brian Larter said...

One thing they have there that I was always amazed at is a shared bike system. You pay I think it's like $10 for the year and you have access to these bikes that are parked all over the city.

This is something i'd love to try and organize in Halifax.

Unknown said...

Hey Emma,

I am so glad you are enjoying your time in Amsterdam!! It sounds truly fantastic, you even brought a tear to my eye. I can't wait to see all of your photos from abroad!