Saturday, May 17, 2008

Rainy Saturday

Today's Highlight- Salsa Music and Wii bowling
Today was a rainy one. Not a whole lot happened, but I think that was mostly because we're wimps and didn't want to get wet. Instead I edited photos, Adrian played guitar and when the rain finally let up around 7 we went grocery shopping and made stir fry. I know that might sound not so exciting for being on the other side of the world, but it was a much needed day of relaxation and some time to get some work done.
There are new images up on flikr ( if people would like to take a look. I am very happy with shooting film. I feel now more than ever that I can show my audience the way that I myself see the world. These photos are gritty and surreal and beautiful, but not conventionally speaking. I think a lot of them are much more so illustrations or almost paintings than they are photos of someTHING. I guess a photo really is just a painting made with light, and I feel like these images have more of me in them than some I have made previously. I hope you like them.
After supper Alex came over with his nintendo and we played a bit of bowling, and some weird thing that was Duck Hunt but without the dog, who I always thought provided the only real motivation to play Duck Hunt, so that was kind of disappointing, but the conversation was good and we've decided on a destination for our bike trip tomorrow. We are going to go to Marken. It used to be a fishing village, and is on an island connected to the rest of the Netherlands by a bridge. It is (hopefully) less touristy than the town we visited last time. I'm looking forward to it, even if it will be another 50km on my bike.
I'd better get to bed and be rested up for that tomorrow.
Love to all
from Emma and Adrian

1 comment:

Syd said...

Your photos are great, Emma. Keep it up!